What to eat?

About food. What should we eat? Miracle super foods? The latest, never heard of previously, berry from some remote primitive tribe that can be added to coffee? Specially formulated and processed ‘health’ food from a packet that helps you regulate your bowels? What should we eat? This seems to be …

Health – Wellness – Medicine

Health  – Wellness – Medicine – Are the words interchangeable? What is health? A dictionary answer goes like this – noun 1) the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigour: good health; poor health. 2) soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or …

Fitness Advice

Fitness advice. First of all I’m going to point out that what I have to say is mainly for people of mature age, older generation, seniors, whatever you want to call yourself because I’m one of you. But all this could equally apply to people of any age with infirmities. …

What is One Hour Body?

One Hour Body is a gentle self help exercise system suitable for mature age people. You learn to gain better health, fitness, mobility, flexibility and improve breathing. This proven approach to exercise helps you to heal injury, overcome joint pains and other types of muscular skeletal problems.

For personal contact please email: info@one-hour-body.com


Hello, my name is Tony Nathan. I am responsible for the One-Hour-Body system. I teach functional awareness. What this means is I have created a gentle self help exercise system enabling you to heal injury, overcome joint pains or other types of muscular skeletal problems. The system specifically helps people …